How to Safely Introduce Dogs and Horses

Many of us who own horses also have a dog (or two or three) that is part of the farm family. In general, horses and dogs go together like peas and carrots. But just like people, animals are individuals so caution should always be taken. If you’re considering introducing your dog to your horse, here are a few steps to help ensure the meeting goes well.
Importance of Training and Obedience for Dogs
First, make sure your dog is trained and obedient. Basic commands, especially come, sit and stay are vital to be certain you have your dog’s attention.
Gradual Introduction: Getting Your Dog Familiar with the Barn Routine
Gradually introduce your dog to your horse by getting him or her used to the daily routine of the barn. Let your dog see your horse in a stall or pasture before they meet nose-to-nose. Use this approach for a few days.
Ensuring Safety: Tips for Introducing Dogs and Horses
When you are ready to introduce your dog and horse, have someone there to help in case an unexpected situation arises. Each person should have full control of only one animal. You don’t want your dog’s leash getting entangled around a horse’s legs or a horse stepping on a lead rope if you are busy trying to tend to your dog.
Handling Nervousness & Aggression When Introducing Dogs and Horses
If either your dog or your horse is nervous, don’t force the interaction and try again another day. And if one acts aggressively, immediately remove them from the situation and when all is calm reward them with a pat or treat.
Building a Positive Relationship: Signs of Comfort and Compatibility
You’ll recognize when your four-legged companions are comfortable with each other when they just go about their own business, in a relaxed, calm manner.
Patience is Key
The most important thing is to remember to take the introductions slowly. By nature, dogs and horses are predator and prey, so building the relationship will take some time. Once they are accustomed to each other, they are likely to be good companions for life.