The Power of Protein: Helping Your Chicks Grow Strong and Healthy

Protein is all the buzz in the human health world, with products proudly boasting “more protein” or “high in protein.” Did you know that protein is just as important for your backyard poultry flock? Let’s dive into why protein is a superstar nutrient, especially for your new chicks!
Why Protein Matters for Chicks
Newly hatched chicks are growing and developing rapidly each day, and protein is the key nutrient that fuels this rapid growth. Protein is vital to the development of strong muscles, bones, and organs. Here’s a fun fact you may not have known: protein also plays a crucial role in developing a healthy gut for your chicks.
A Happy Chick Has a Healthy Gut
The foundation of a chick’s overall well-being is in a healthy gut. The gut ensures that all nutrients from their food is properly absorbed and used to build muscles, skin, bones, and organs. During the first few weeks of weeks of life, chicks require high-quality protein sources in the correct amounts to develop these healthy immune systems. Chicks are being exposed every day to new things in their environment that can put potential stress on their immune system. A healthy functioning gut and quality protein ensure that their immunity stays strong and keeps them growing and developing to their full potential.
Quality Feed with Quality Protein
Think of it this way: just like the proper type of protein is required for babies in infant formula, quality protein sources in chick feed help a chick’s gut to stay healthy and absorb the nutrients that their body needs. When you grab a bag of NatureWise Chick Starter Grower Feed, you can always be sure that your chicks are getting the perfect amount of quality protein to help them thrive. Chicks that get off to a good start will develop into healthy, productive hens that can thrive in our family flocks for years to come.