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  • tic in dog fur

    Tick Talk

    Ticks are not insects. Having eight legs, they are arachnids, more closely related to scorpions and spiders than insects. Ticks are ectoparasites (parasites that live on the outside of its host) and l...

  • Young girl walking a brown dog

    Summer Heat For Pets

    Unlike people, dogs and cats do not have sweat glands in their skin and therefore cannot cool by perspiration and evaporation. Panting is their only way for cooling off. As temperatures and humidity r...

  • beagle scratching

    Spring Into Tick Season

    The benefits of a tick control product cannot be overstated. Ticks can carry several disease-causing organisms and transmit them while they are taking a blood meal....

  • puppy in flower garden

    Spring Garden Hazards

    As spring arrives and the first buds appear, gardening can be a relaxing and healthy way to pass the time. But it can also pose some potential risks to our cat and dog friends....

  • Man and woman jogging with dog on leash

    Running with Your Dog

    As spring arrives many of us get the urge to start or restart running again.  Like us, dogs also need daily exercise to maintain good fitness and mental health....

  • Little girl and yellow labrador retriever sitting by lake or river

    River And Lake Safety

    Visiting the river or lake can be an enjoyable way to spend the day, there are some safety measures that should be followed....

  • dog drinking water from a bowl

    Help Your Pet Avoid Dehydration This Summer

    For our pets, dehydration can occur quickly for several reasons. Dog and cat bodies are composed of 75-80 percent water, making them more susceptible to dehydration and its effects....

  • Dog and cat with veterinarian in office

    Pet Vaccines

    For our pets, vaccination is central to their lifelong health maintenance....

  • woman holding white bulldog sitting in the sun

    Pets And Sunburn Know The Risks

    Summer is here and we all want to be outside with our pets. Whether it is the beach, the park or hiking in the mountains. In the summertime, even though the Earth is more distant from the sun, the in...

  • dog-kennel-car

    Pets And Cars

    At some time in their lives many pets will have to travel in a car.  For many it is the dreaded and stressful (for owners as well) yearly trip to the vet’s office.  For others it is th...

  • Beagle standing on icy sidewalk

    Pet Safe Ice Melt

    Many traditional, salt-based ice melts work well but can irritate a dog’s feet, or even be toxic. Look for "pet friendly" options, or learn to make your own!...

  • dog with bandage on paw and a first aid kit

    Pet First Aid Kit

    It's always important to have a first aid kit available while traveling with your pet. Remember, a first aid kit is for temporary care until you can get to a veterinary hospital....

  • cat with bandage on leg

    Pet Insurance

    The first pet insurance was issued to television’s Lassie in 1982.  Since then, the industry has been growing slowly and steadily....

  • happy little dog running through the grass

    Pet Identification

    Although it's scary to think about our pets getting lost, it's an important topic to address. Cats and dogs slip away, are tempted to wander by squirrels or their own nose, or get scared and run away ...

  • dog looking up at Christmas tree and presents on table

    Pet Holiday Do’s and Don’ts

    As the holidays approach, here is a quick reminder list of the do's and don'ts for you and your pets, to help keep everyone happy and healthy throughout the season....

  • inspecting teeth on a dog

    Pet Dental Health

    It is estimated that 80% of dogs and 70% of cats have some form of periodontal disease. Aside from being the most common disease in pets, periodontal disease is also the most overlooked by owners, for...