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  • Man with horse

    Tips for Putting Weight on Your Horse

    Do you have a hard keeper? This informative video explains how to effectively increase your horse's caloric intake and help put weight on him....

  • Avoiding a Hay Belly

    Willow has had 4 foals, and as a result, tends to show characteristics of a hay belly. As equine nutrition experts, we have often heard “my horse has a hay belly, what should I do differently?&#...

  • Group Feeding Tips for Small Facilities

    We are a far cry from a fancy operation with four horses on my property to manage.  The horses in our herd live outside in one of two paddocks with fulltime access to a run-in shed which is divid...

  • poster describing how to weigh a horse without a scale

    How to Weigh your Horse Without a Scale

    Don’t keep a commercial scale handy?  Here is a simple and accurate way to weigh your horse without a scale at all!...

  • Feeding the Maintenance Horse

    I am fortunate in my job to speak with horse owners face-to-face on a frequent basis. During these conversations, I enjoy hearing about the horses they own and how great their horse’s look and p...

  • How Much Horse Feed Does Your Scoop Hold?

    I visited a horse owner that had just purchased her own farm this spring. She said she was following the same feeding program that was followed at the boarding barn, but the mare had gained weight. A ...

  • Feeding Donkeys

    In the equine world we certainly do see variation. From Quarter Horses to Arabians, from miniature horses to draft horses – we all know that our equine friends come in all shapes, sizes and colo...

  • horse in snow

    Overweight Horses: Winter Management

    Feeding the overweight horse can be tough, but winter poses an even greater challenge with managing a delicate balance between providing enough energy to stay warm, yet not so much he is unable to�...

  • Ration Balancers vs Regular Horse Feeds

    I recently received a call from a horse owner that said she needed to put her horse on a diet. Her 1000 pound mare is a body condition score of 7. Her vet had recommended she put the mare on a ration ...

  • feed scale

    How to Weigh Your Feed

    If someone is having an issue with their horse's weight, whether over or under, I will first ask what kind and how much hay they are feeding....

  • horses at gate

    When to Feed Ration Balancers

    Feeding horses a balanced diet is essential for their overall health and well-being. In cases where horses receive a low amount of grain or appear to be lacking something in their diet, incorporating ...

  • measuring horse

    Taking Weight Off of Easy Keeping Horses

    Obesity in horses can lead to laminitis, overheating and numerous other health issues. Ideally, chubby horses should have their nutrition monitored closely....

  • Close up view of feed tag

    Reading Horse Feed Directions – How Much to Feed?

    When horse feeds are formulated, they are developed to provide nutrition to all sizes of horses – nutrient needs go up as the size of the horse goes up. So, feeding directions are often provided in...

  • Feeding Beet Pulp For Weight Gain in Horses

    Many horse owners ask if beet pulp is a good way to put weight on a horse. This is a great question, as many horse owners struggle to keep weight on their horses....

  • Horse grazing in pasture

    Feeding the “Easy Keeper” Horse

    Most every horse owner has had, or knows of a friend's horse, which could "live on air". Sadly, air has no nutritional value. So, what do we do with these horses that look at a bag of feed and start t...

  • feeding horse in a stall

    Feeding Horses that are Hard Keepers

    Feeding horses that are hard keepers. What is the best way to feed a horse to increase weight gain to the desired level, and then maintain it there?...