The Power of Protein: Helping Your Chicks Grow Strong and Healthy
Protein is a buzzword in human health, but it's just as crucial for your backyard chicks! Discover why protein is a superstar nutrient that fuels rapid growth, strong muscles, and a healthy gut, ensur...
How to Choose the Best Bedding for Your Chickens
There are many bedding options for your birds. Which one is best? ...
Optimizing Your Chick Care: A Comprehensive Guide to Success
Learn a few basic tips to help your new chicks thrive. ...
Getting the Brooder Ready for Baby Chicks
Learn what the most important components of a brooder are for raising baby chicks....
Considering Chickens? Q&A Just for You!
This article provides answers to some common questions asked by people who are considering getting chickens......
5 Tips To Keep Snakes Away From Chicken Coops
Making sure your chickens are safe should be one of the top priorities of any keeper......
What To Know Before Building Your Own Chicken Coop
Are you looking to build a coop for your first flock of backyard chickens? This article has everything you need......
How to Choose the Right Chicken for Your Family
As more and more suburbanites join the ranks of would-be homesteaders raising flocks of chickens in their backyards......
Anticipating Winter with Chickens
Winter is a challenging time for both people and chickens. Humans prepare by bringing coats, long johns, mittens and hats out of storage, checking the furnace, and closing the home's holes and gaps wi...
Feeding Chickens in Winter
The days are getting shorter, the girls are finishing up their molts, and you are getting less eggs as winter approaches. You might be wondering, "is this normal?" The answer is, yes, it's perfectly n...
Chickens in the Garden
Few foods are as appealing to a hungry chicken as a bunch of young lettuce or spinach sprouts poking through the spring soil. Given the chance, a few hens will quickly devour plants intended for their...
Getting Birds for the First Time
Interested in starting a backyard chicken flock? Wondering what you need to know before you bring home those cute, fluffy, little chicks? Listen in as Nutrena poultry expert Twain Lockhart gives a qui...
Feeding Chicks and Layers Together
Bringing baby chicks home to add to your existing flock? Check out this video from Nutrena poultry expert... ...
Feeding Grit and Oyster Shell to Chickens
In every feed store, you’ll find bags of grit and oyster shell near the chicken feed......
Identifying Problems in Your Birds
For new chicken owners, identifying when a bird in their backyard flock is sick can be a challenge......
Weathering Your First Winter with Chickens.
If you are new to raising chickens, you’ll need to know the basics to keep your hens healthy and safe through the cold days of winter......